crestPark House

Modern housing


Six person suites, two bathrooms

Park House, a modern dorm, is situated a bit differently than the other freshman modern dorms with three doubles—six people in total—and two bathrooms making up each suite. In total, the dorm is 128,000 square feet and is connected on its ground floor to Mudd House. The two make up the Park-Mudd Residential College, established in 1989. Park, originally known as Wydown West, took on its name in 1991 after Helen Ette Park, a St. Louis native and Wash. U. graduate. Park Mudd traditions include monthly Park Mudd “Mudd Pies,” and Pirates take the Mississippi, an event held in the spring where residents take a steamboat tour of the Mississippi River.


Music rooms

Close to swamp

Close to mailroom

Study rooms


Computer lab

Kitchen on every floor

Laundry room on each floor

Close to circ

Close to clocktower




Walk Times

Brookings Quadrangle

Danforth University Center

Delmar Loop

17 min

8 min

23 min